Check out all the awesome programming TCP is doing in Western New York! If you are interested in bringing TCP to your school or community please reach out at the links below!
TCP is a proud grant recipient through the Ralph C. Wilson Jr., Foundation. The Volley Power program brings after school volleyball programming to districts throughout WNY. Each 5 week clinic series is highlighted by a Friendship Tournament. Introducing girls to a new sport builds confidence and increases future sport participation.
TCP is a proud grant recipient through the Junior Volleyball Association (JVA). The Fly High program brings before and after school programming to the Frontier School District. This boys volleyball program introduces 4th and 5th boys to a new sport and provides additional tournament play opportunities.
Girls In Sports
TCP is a proud grant recipient through the United Way Girls in Sports program. The TCP Girls in Sports Volleyball and Basketball programs brings before school, after school, and weekend programming to the WNY community. This girls program introduces 4th-8th graders to new sports and builds confidence for future sport participation!
Women’s Sports Foundation
TCP is a proud grant recipient through the Women’s Sports Foundation. Working with the Fredonia Athletic Department, TCP provides sports sampling programs at the Cattaraugus Community Center. These programs introduce female athletes to new sports and provide high quality coaching through the College Partner model.
TCP is so proud to host the iCan Bike summer camp. This program, run through the National iCan Shine organization, teaches kids of different ability levels how to ride a bike! Learning to ride a two-wheeler is a rite of passage for nearly everyone—but many people with disabilities never realize this achievement. iCan Shine Bike Camp is changing that!